Rainbow Hummingbird – Nogal NM

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When I left Los Angeles I landed in Nogal, NM on my friend Anae’s ranch for a few months. The timing was perfect for many reasons. I had visited her years before and always had the idea of going there when I left Los Angeles tucked in the back of my head and somehow that’s exactly how it worked out. When I got the news I had to leave my home of 10 plus years, I looked around and wasn’t thrilled with my options. Paying $1200 a month to share a 3-bedroom house with a woman, no wait, I mean “recording artist” named Free and her housemate who is very busy but would be happy to meet me at 9:30 pm on Thurs, didn’t seem like a good option. “I didn’t say my name in the email incase you were a fan.”  Sorry to disappoint.

I called Anae and asked if her guest house was available. It wasn’t but she was about to do some traveling and could use someone to hang out with the dog and take care of her business while she was gone.

Hummingbirds love the ranch and I love watching them.

I got pretty happy over this shot. Right place, right time, phone in hand!